Protea trees are their own worst enemy, as they are one of the few species of trees that can burn while still green. In other words, you don’t have to wait till the wood to dry before using as firewood.
Down in the valley, the pilgrims come from all over to access the holy water springing from the rocks. Thankfully reports I received on Saturday from the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Gardens downstream from where we are, is that the water has never smelt cleaner in a long time. Thanks to all the hard efforts by all the groups concerned. And the pilgrims are too very happy that the holy water is now clean from sewerage.
I don't have a problem with most of the pilgrims, as they just come to pray and collect the holy water, but some like this chap from the Star denomination of the ZCC religious group shown above, spend a couple of nights at a time, roughing it in caves and rock crevasses. It is these chaps which cause the problems.
I caught this ZCC Star member breaking down Protea tree branches to use for fire. Now I have nearly exhausted all avenues in stopping the destruction of the Protea trees. The trees are protected by law but no one, not even the Green Scorpions, are doing anything to stop it. I have spoken to individual pilgrims, I have shown them the alien trees that can be cut down, I have left alternative timber for them to use as firewood, I have spread the story of the Mamlambo, an evil African spirit that lives at the waterfall below us that, who is angry that people are cutting down her children, yet still the Protea tress are being destroyed.
It is becoming a disaster area, and I am losing the battle. Maybe some high ranking ZCC bishop can help? My last resort is that I may need to move away from the religious groups and look at the traditional healers such as sangoma and inyangas. They are respected by the people, so who can help put some powerful muti around here in the Protea forest and along with the ancestors, and the African spirit living down by the waterfall, the Mamlambo, they all can help protect this African heritage?