Friday 30 March 2018

Breaking Bread

Today marks the beginning of the holiest weekend in the Christian calendar, Easter. This period actually started last week with Jesus' triumphal entrance into Jerusalem on a donkey and ends with the resurrection. In between is the Last Supper, Jesus' arrest and crucifixion. Today is the day when Jesus was crucified. This happened during the time of the Passover, where the Jews celebrate Pasig, the telling of the story of how God took the Israelites out of Egypt.

We started today as a family to break bread and to remember that Jesus died in place of us for our sins so that we may have eternal life.

During Pasig, 3 unleavened breads are placed on the table that for the Jews represents Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Interesting for us Christians is that Abraham is also known as the father of the Jewish people, Isaac his son, and Jacob the spiritual head of the Israeli nation. There you have the father, son, and spirit being represented at the table. Now this is where it gets interesting, the middle bread which represents the son is taken and broken. One piece is then hidden in the house to returned later by the children. So when Jesus took the middle bread representing the son, he said this is my body and broke it, indicating that the bread actually represents himself that was to be broken on the cross and to later return.

Goosebumps moments every time I break bread and think of Jesus doing the same.

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