Sunday 2 February 2020

Corona Virus

It was just yesterday that I was reading how Instagram influencers are cashing in on the Corona Virus  but donning on face masks and sharing their photos. And last week a businessman from Hong Kong popped into our office wanting to buy facemasks. I also read that online stores such as Amazon has had a run on facemask orders from China and now they all sold out. To help stem the orders from China, the face mask factories in Taiwan are printing their national Republic of China flag on their face masks as China refuses to recognise Taiwan as a legitimate country. Good for them.

I was invited to a braai this afternoon with friends, and having some time to kill between church and the braai, I decided that I better get a few face masks myself in case we also get a run on them here too in South Africa.Too late both Dischem and Clicks are all sold out. A merchandise packer at the one Dischem I was at told me the Chinese where there last week and bought all their stock up. Eish.

I posted on Facebook about the dire situation and asked for alternatives. My friends came up with some strange ideas, well I decided to try one of them this afternoon after getting home from the braai. So my chinas, how is this face mask? Looking at the how to use a bra as a facemask pages, it is obvious that I am doing something wrong.

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