Saturday 23 September 2017

Death Note Birthday

Since Matthew’s birthday falls in his final exams we decided to move his birthday combined with his final year function with friends this weekend. By busy I mean 12 teenagers descended onto our quiet home for a sleepover party and some sleepover party it turned out to be.

Two arrived yesterday and the rest of the teenagers arrived just after noon. Soon the party was in full swing with pizza slices going round as the guest settled in and started playing Xbox and Playstation. With Matthew playing host, we had to slip out and buy the rolls and salad ingredients.

At 4pm I started the braai while the kids went for a hike down into the kloof. When they came back the food was ready, thank goodness as they were exhausted and hungry. After dinner it was pool time. Now how come I remember someone saying you should not swim on a full stomach? Well that someone forgot to tell Matthew and friends.

It looks like this party is never going to end as Matthew cuts his Death Note birthday cake and they all get their second wind. With the music doff doffing in the background Lynda and I call it a day while the party will continue till tomorrow morning.

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