Thursday 18 January 2018

Welsh Rarebit

Okay the top photo is not Welsh Rarebit but Beef Olives, below is the Welsh Rarebit photo for those who don't know what it is then hold onto your breechers, I'm going to get there.

Tonight I decided to make some Beef Olives for dinner, and I was wondering what sauce I should make to go with the meal, and it was then that I decided to make a cheese sauce but surprising the cheese sauce turned out to be Welsh Rarebit.

So what is this Welsh Rarebit?

When I was in hostel during my high school years, the matrons used to make Welsh Rarebit on toast quite often on a Sunday evening. Along with the soup, it was my favourite hostel meals. We used to call it Welsh Rabbit, but there is no rabbit in it only cheese, and more cheese as it is a savoury sauce of melted cheese.

Longing for the taste, I tried to make some last year and that is when I found out that I was no Jamie Oliver but a poor reproduction of gastronomy chef Heston Blumenthal. And now this...

This accidental Welsh Rarebit was awesome, now if only I can remember what I put into it.

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