Monday 4 May 2020

Day 39 - The Keyboard

 Lockdown Day 39 - The Cononavirus is affecting us in many ways, with some turning to crime. The police in all of their stupidity have banished the local community policing forums on patrolling their neighbourhoods, the reason is most likely that they don't want to be caught doing their illegal activities. Sorry that is just me being sarcastic, as crime has started to climb now that no one is patrolling our streets at night.

Anyways just before midnight our dog River Song starts barking towards the veld, something was sure on the move, then again in the early hours. Finally the police sector car arrives to investigate and it looks like they disturbed some criminals jumping the fence into the veld as the abandoned some of their spoils such as this keyboard. 

Don't get me wrong crime has not been a problem here but with the layered security being relaxed things are well you could say going down the drain.

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