Monday 12 August 2019

Doctor Doctor

For the last few days I have been having 2 serious symptoms and I have been putting off going to see the doctor. The first one I have had for the last week and it has been getting progressively worse. I been having these sharp stabbing pains that comes in waves in my lower back on the right, right about where my kidneys are. I have been drinking  lots of water but that doesn't seem to help. Then 2 days ago my left arm starting getting a numbness.

Driving home from work, the pain in my side had become excruciating that I drove myself straight to the doctor. My doctor, not taking any chances rushed me to some checks of my heart and kidneys. Thankfully my heart is strong and my kidneys fine. Now my doctor suspects a pinched nerve in my lower back which could be causing the pain and numbness.

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