Monday 26 February 2018


Oh well, last week I started lead training with River Song, taking her on the lead for some walks around the neighbourhood. At first it was a very strange concept to be tired to the end of a lead and be constraint as to where to run to.

Walkies! I am starting to sound like Barbara Woodhouse, a TV animal behaviourist from the 8os. I am not sure if she is still around but I still remember her shrill voice "Walkies" and "siT" with the T nearly being spat out.

Now River Song is starting to enjoy her time with daddy on short walks, smelling new plants and side walks, and when a strange dog rushes her only to be stopped by a gate or fence, River Song hackles rise up and is instantly alert as she gives this low growl.

Next I need to get her socialising with other dogs other than her pack.

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