Saturday 27 September 2014

Nightmare Hotel Chantecler

After last night’s disaster dinner at The Chantecler Hotel in Bothas Hill, we didn’t want any fancy place so we ended up at Durban South Beach just as the weather closed in. So here we were enjoying Strawberry Daiquiris, yes a pink drink Richard, while watching a few brave surfers trying to catch a wave or two. It wasn’t the best Daiquiri I’ve ever tasted but it help us forget last night as the stormy weather started to threaten.

As for evening before I am sure I am going to use The Chantecler Hotel experience on how a waiter/waitress should not treat their guests as the launch our Food Crit Blog, so watch this space. I’ll leave you with a little insight on what transpired, my meal of spare ribs arrived to our table 15 minutes after ordering and no one else's at our table, an hour and a half later the 4 pizzas arrived. To make matters worse the quarter chicken order was totally forgotten and never placed through to the kitchen. Not once did the waitress come tell us that the kitchen or that she had a problem, we only found out after I had to get up and walk to the kitchen to seek out our waitress. Not to mention no front of house nor restaurant manager was seen at all during the entire traumatic experience.

Sigh, now that nightmare is off my chest, where is my pink drink.

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