Tuesday 10 March 2020

Proactive vs Reactive Egghead

With the SARS-CoV-2 spreading like wildfire throughout the world as medical specialists try to contain the virus with little success as the buy in of the people hasn't happened. We need to be proactive rather reactive. Our medical authorities have announced that we have 7 cases. "Nothing to worry about", they warn but we the public are not stupid. 

I had to go to the doctors today, to pick up a script and go to the pharmacy. I must say that my doctors rooms were proactive. They were channeling everyone through to these 2 nurses who where screening everyone. NICE.

Okay remember I mentioned towards the end of last week, to watch this space. Well here it is. This weekend a friend and I developed a 3 layer fabric face mask in light of all the mask shortages. This is our second version and already we are getting inquires. With just a few shares on Facebook, WhatsApp, and word of mouth, I got a phone call from China of all places inquiring about our masks. On top of that I do look like an egghead in this photo.

Yes I know that wearing masks are not the best but they do slow down the pandemic. Proactive!

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