Friday 25 October 2019

Hobbit Praying Mantis

We are so quick to use insecticides in our gardens or to whip out the Doom to rid ourselves of that spider in our bathroom that we don't know the damage it does. Because of all our pets at home we make a point never to use insecticides in our home and garden. We care for all the creatures that share our space even those we don't like.

Take this little fella, I am not sure if it is a baby or a fully grown hobbit sized praying mantis. I found it this morning when I was about to fill up the watering can to give the dogs fresh water in their bowls. As the water gushed out of the tap into the watering can, I saw this little fella as s/he got washed into the can. I immediately stopped and poured the water out and fished out the hobbit sized insect, and called Lynda over to come see. After taking this photo we gentle put it onto the lemon tree which is outside our kitchen door.

Please remember not only do we have birds, butterflies, snakes, spiders, bees, and hobbit mantises but also faeries that visit our gardens.  

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