Monday, 31 October 2016

Day 2 Home Sweet Home

The move is ongoing as we head into Day 2. Well I think we might be leaning towards hoarders, ouch. How did we get so much into a small 2 bedroom cottage in the farming area on the banks of the Jukskei River to the Roodepoort Ridge.

The air is cooler up in the mountains, the view is better, but the best part of it all, no more flies and no more stick of the neighbouring farm’s pigs. Did I mention no more flies?

Home Sweet Home.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Day 1

So let the move begin from the farm to the mountains. My friends and frequent readers would know what has happened in the last few days as Day 1 was supposed to be a happy day for us but the stress of what Crearis Africa and its holding company Bosasa Group has done has left a bitter taste.

No time for thinking as we have to begin our move to our new home. I know God has a plan for us, a good plan, a better plan, and I feel that God has taken me out of Bosasa and its new creation Crearis Africa to protect me in what He has in store. All I need is to trust God.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

40 Sucks

Happy 40th birthday Craig, holy guacamole Craig, the big four zero. Well that means fiesta time for this crazy gringo as it took 40 years to get this awesome.

Stay clear of the chillies, Matthew, although the suckers cry out, “40 Sucks”, but as a wizard, 40 isn’t that old and we all know that life begins at 40 and if you don’t believe that, I will turn you into a dog.

Friday, 28 October 2016

But Grandmother

It is a hot Friday, and Matthew was on his way to spend the weekend with me to help with the move but before that we had to stop halfway to see granny, Matthew’s grandmother, as she is heading back to Sabie next week.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Krispy Kreme

Oh no am I still depressed? Krispy Kreme doughnuts, is not what the doctor ordered, oh well it can’t hurt if I have 1, no 2, or maybe more, uhmmm.

I am still feeling angry about what has happened and have now accepted it but still angry about it. Now for the hope stage, I got a call from Cape Town.

Now where was I, oh yes the Krispy Kremes.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Serious symptoms of grief

What a year this has been? With the violent loss of 3 cats and a dog, another dog diagnosed with a tumour, and now this. What happened yesterday was horrible of my company even when I gave many years of loyal service. It goes to show that nowadays loyalty means nothing when it comes down to greed.

Anyway somehow I have to deal with this as quickly as possible, yesterday was the shock, disbelief, denial, guilt, and anger. Not sure when the bargaining stage starts, all I know, I am still angry and depressed at the same time. I know that I need to get to the acceptance part as quick as possible as there is only a few weeks left till companies closed down for the holidays.

In the meanwhile I better get my pickup valet and start thinking about my move this weekend.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Not all Roses

Not all roses, as I got a call from Head of HR, and was informed that my post is now redundant. What has just happened here, after just less than 3 years of loyal service, new management has come in and said it is a “business decision, nothing personal, we are going to outsource your section. You have to go”. Just like that, BOOM!

I am very upset now.

They say the grass is green on the other side however once there you find that the grass is green but not for the reasons you thought of, it seems that the grass is green because it is over a septic tank. I am upset with what has just happened to me and in my opinion this was not due to a “business decision” like the management are proudly saying in unison as if scripted but I feel that I got caught in the cross fire of the managers above me. I will leave you with the words of Marcellus, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Storm Brewing

Monday, no one knows what is going on since our line manager, was retrenched on Thursday. It was generally known that there where ill feelings between members of management and now with the rug pulled from under our line manager as the post was made redundant just like that without notice. Since no-one in management has informed us what is going on, we are all uneasy and scared of what might happen as the storm clouds are threatening.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

9 Weeks

Yes it is 9 weeks of crazy till Christmas Day, and already the trees and decorations are going up at a furious rate to start capturing the spending frenzy that tends to happen at this time.

To this day, I still don't know what a pine, fir, or a spruce tree has to do with what Christmas is all about as there never was any of those trees in Bethlehem.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Google Couch

Lynda's daughter, Robynne and her partner, Marco, has built Custom Couches as a family business from their single garage at home. They and their furniture company have grown in leaps and bounds in the few years. Operating from a mini factory in Johannesburg, custom orders are coming in from all over.

Since we were in the area looking at bathroom suppliers this morning we popped in afterwards to visit our granddaughter, Rebekah. And while there a saw this Chrome logo shaped couch which is part of an order from Google South Africa. Nice.

Friday, 21 October 2016


Ouch, a lot of things are in flux which brings a lot of uncertainty to our job security. Trust and integrity plays a big part in what I believe. Now nothing is clear and insecurity is norm. All I have is God to which I can lean into. I have to reaffirm my hierarchical order which top most is God, then family, and thirdly the company I work for. I believe I am a loyal person, well I hope I am, now the branches of my job security is being shaken and all I can rely on is that the roots into the God base on which I stand is deep and strong.

Farewell Kay, may you find peace in all this.

And as I crawl up into a little ball, pressing into the feet of God, I ache to hear His voice. "Have courage" I hear as a whisper in the quietness of the dark, "have courage".

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Lazy Apple

When I was young, I always thought that the Pear Tree formed when an Apple Tree got kind of lazy and gravity got hold of the apples which started to droop, hence the pear.

Oh well that’s just me and my wild imagination.

In today’s lunch was this huge pear, a juicy one at that. In middle of enjoying eating the pear, I thought that this would make a wonderful photograph.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Making a Beany

My mom is recovering from her major surgery at our home and she needs to keep her hands busy, you know what they say about idle hands. Well here is mom busy trying her hand at making a beany for someone. The main consolation of her being at our home during her recovery, is now the cats don’t have to be locked up during the day. I wonder if my Minky will enjoy a beany.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Rob the Builder

Just under 2 weeks left before we move into our new home and the stress is building up. My mom was discharged from hospital yesterday and has to report back to the surgeon in 2 weeks which means she is not able to travel back home in Sabie. This evening Anthony and his wife brought her over to my place to stay for a while. Yes our place is very small but not as tiny as Helene and Anthony’s home.

Earlier today Rob the Builder, a friend from my home cell met me at our new house to measure up converting the existing office on the property into a cottage which we want to rent out. So anyone looking for a 1 bedroom cottage in Roodepoort please make contact now. Above is Rob looking into all the different options and finally we selected the best way forward. Alterations won't take long and will start as soon as we move in.

There is a borehole on the property but the current owner is not sure where it is as he has never used it in the last 20 years that he has stayed there. With the drought and water restrictions I am keen to see if we can get the borehole up and running again but then there is the extra costs.

In just under 2 weeks, I can’t wait to move.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Samwise the Brave

Okay not quite Sam from Tolkein’s stories, but Sam from Bosasa. Whenever someone says that their name is Sam I think of Samwise Gamgee, and yes my hobbits, it is a quote about him from The Two Towers that bring me inspiration now in these dark days. "There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach."

And Sam bravely re-glues down the piece of carpet tile that has being a safety hazard in my office for a while now thereby bringing a glimmer of hope that everything will be alright in the end. Oh and did I mention we have a new Espresso coffee machine in our office. Watch me bounce off the walls now.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Revenge of the Potatoes

On Thursday was Rebekah’s 1st birthday and today was the party to celebrate her first year with family and friends. Robynne put a lot of effort into making sure that today turns out just right for her daughter even baking the birthday cake herself.

An inflatable jumping castle was blown up by Marco Rebekah's daddy, I hope that is the right word for inflating an inflatable jumping castle. The trampoline had to be moved to one side to allow this monster of a children’s inflatable to fit into the garden. Tables, chairs and couches were set up outside for the guests. Food and snacks were set out and the braai prepared. But as things happen, not all things can go according to plan as the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, things did go horribly wrong.

Last night it rained hard and this morning it was looking like it would continue but the weather predictions look favourable with 89% no rain for the day. Even though the rain threatened throughout the day, it turned out that it wasn’t the rain we should have been worried about, it was the potato salad.

Aah the story of the revenge of the potato salad, well where do I start?

After finishing up with decoration the birthday cake, Robynne, set out to complete her signature dish that her man, Marco, loves so very much, the potato salad. Once finished, she carried the huge glass dish filled potato salad out but somehow as she stepped out of the kitchen her foot caught an uneven paving and without a word she fell hard on top of the salad, CRASH potatoes and glass flying everywhere. Rushing to her side, Lynda and I pick her up from the potatoes and glass and discovered that the shattered glass had sliced a large gash in her forearm. So off to the emergency room, Marco and Kojak rushed Robynne.

An hour and 8 stitches later, Robynne returned and the party resumed with the last of the espetadas being placed on the braai, the Madeiran way. So along with the braaied chops, steak, wors, chicken and espetadas, was more potato salad which Shekinah made while Robynne was at the hospital.

It was little Rebekah’s 1st birthday party and it was a lovely get together of family and friends. Like most family functions some family members are well, you can only wonder why we keep inviting them but they are family none the less. But today it was all for Rebekah, even Robynne can now wear a scar with pride of how the potatoes tried to spoil her daughter’s day but she got the better of all those potatoes.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Happy Birthday Mom

Okay the day did end a little weird but it is my mom’s 69th birthday and sadly she had to spend it in hospital up in Pretoria. So off we went to spend the afternoon with her and make her day special.

Anthony and his wife Helene, joined us later and gave mother dearest a lovely birthday which ended in the weird part, Anthony dropping his pants to model the latest in men’s under garments. As you can see, you can choose your friends but when it comes to family well you can only love them.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Hello Vespa

Yay it is Friday and time to kick off our shoes, feet up and relax. Let all the week’s troubles just wash away. Here is Lynda dressed in sleep shirt sporting a Hello Kitty riding a Vespa, nice.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Future Sunsets

The end of the month can’t come quick enough as I am done for October, no, matter of fact I am done for the year as this has been one a horrible year.

I have been told by the previous owners that our new home has awesome sunsets which are viewed from the deck. So here is to the upcoming sundowners in the safety of our new home.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Happy Robynne

Why are there so many family related birthdays in October. Why, oh why?

First was my sister Theresa, a week ago, today is Robynne, tomorrow is her daughter Rebekah, Saturday is my moms, and finally is my brother George on Sunday.

Anyways for today happy birthday Robynne. May you have an awesome day.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Two and a Half Weeks

Yes only 2 and a half weeks to go until we are out of here, and the neighbour’s killer pack of Jack Russels attacked again.

There are no words to describe how you feel when you come home and find one of your pets decimated by a pack of dogs whose owners deny all responsibility with one word, sorry. Sorry won’t bring Little Boy back. Sorry won’t bring Ali back. Sorry won’t bring Patch back, and now Socks, sorry won’t bring her back too. Sorry doesn’t hold you accountable for your dog’s misbehaviour. Already your dogs have bitten Lynda, and another neighbour’s daughter yet you just shrug your shoulders and first try to deny it was your dogs but when proven all you say is sorry with a smile.

Just 2 and a half weeks to go. Couldn’t these pesky dogs just have waited?

I took today’s photo of the lovely flowers in the garden at my work, but the beauty soon faded from my eyes when I arrived home. Goodbye Socks. May you chase butterflies amongst the pretty flowers on the other side and be forever happy.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Black out the Sun

Eish, with the dismal performance of our national rugby team, the Springbucks, against the All Blacks, what more is there to say?

Anyways this Monday seems like I am in cruise mode, not that I have a lot of work, but after last week’s 14 hour days just to get my reports out in a week and a blog over the weekend, this week seems tame. And this week started off with springbucks grazing peacefully near the newly erected solar carport just outside my office while thick black smoke rises from the city, blacking out the sun, as students burn down the universities. Double eish!

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Purple Haze

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne.
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Oh well, after a full day at Rage yesterday, and nearly an all nighter afterwards, not even the one ring that rules them all could not wake up Matthew fully this morning. The purple haze was still a fog in his sleepy head even after the scrubbing, his hair still had the purple tinge of yesterday's Tsuu Tsukiyama. Tomorrow is back to school so that purple just has to go.

Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Shuu Tsukiyama

It is that time of year again, a few weeks before Halloween where the geeks go crazy and cosplay. Yip it is Rage time again, and this year Matthew decided to go as a ghoul called Shuu, Shuu Tsukiyama. Matthew has always swam against the flow of all the Marvel and other comic book superheroes when it comes to his heroes as he loves anime.

My word, walking with a purple Matthew attracted a lot of stares, which I am not used to from my normal introverted ways always trying to keep a low profile. Me introverted, well that may come as a shock to most of my friends, because introverted I am.

"I fight in order to survive" - Shuu Tsukiyama.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Kitten Princess

After work, I had to make the long trek over to the East Rand to fetch Matthew for the weekend. He is all excited because it is Rage weekend and he excitedly talked non-stop all the way home.

Arriving home, the dogs were also excited to see Matthew. After getting unpacked, Princess arrived through the window and when she heard Matthew call out “Kitten”, she perked all up and pranced over to where Matthew was. Ahhh Princess just loves her Matthew.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Ragnar Lothbrok

I have found Ragnar, the legendary Viking, alive and well, living in the backwater village of Randfontein and working as a computer technician. To help with his disguise he is going by the name of Gert of all the names he could have chosen, why that one, only he would know. Well I suppose with a name like Gert he can blend in easily into the West Rand.

Oh well, Gert is a good friend of mine, and like the Viking Lothbrok, you better not get on his wrong side. Anyways last weekend we dropped off Lynda’s laptop at his home to get fixed as one does with broken things. Gert worked his magic and voila, one working laptop to go today.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Smiling Klipspringer

As usual for the first week of the month, it is hectic. Unmoveable deadlines are looming like a giant tidal wave that is poised to break on my shores. The debris of my personal issues are mixed up in the water and if I am not careful I will get hurt badly. To avoid some of those debris, I had to rush from work across town to Benoni to get a copy of my settlement agreement that is in file because the lawyers wouldn’t accept the copy I gave them only to find the document in file is exactly the same as the one I gave the lawyers down to the court stamp. Only difference was the original on file had the judge’s scribal on it stating that it is Annexure C. Just keep swimming Jerome, just keep going.

Oh well at the end of hump day I shuffled my way to my pick-up, headachy, and a little concerned of all the work that I still have to do by Friday and saw this pair of Klipspringers in the garden. The nearest buck looked up at me and smiled. That is all I needed as things of this world just melted away. Everything will be alright. I now know my name!

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Nubian Follicle

Along with "Fees Must Fall" which was hot on the heels of "Rhodes Must Fall" comes the "Going back to Natural" and the Kingdom of Nubia with a Pretoria school girl refusing to change her hairstyle in line with school rules last month. It escalated to nuclear ugly rather quickly with racial lines being drawn all across social and the press. This rebellion against education is relatively confusing to us older generation as I remember a time, way back when I was in school, that boy’s hair had to be short, back, and sides. The girls, well if their hair was long, it had to be tired up. The one rule which got to me was no shaved or dyed hair, ugh! And don’t forget we walked to school bare feet in the snow for miles with only cow pads to warm our toes, and don’t forget we had no cellphones back in those prehistoric days.

Okay that’s my ranting over, let’s get back to the Nubian Queen shown above. In solidarity of all those who want their own hairstyles such as me with my shaved head or my good friend Gail with her purple hair, we now have the Nubian Follicle, a hair piece brought to you by Paballo, seen here modelling her new hair style. You can contact Pabs if you want one. Now has anyone got a Hipster Beard product that I can wear?

Monday, 3 October 2016

The Upside Down Tree

For those readers who have followed my blog would know that the company that I work for, eKayaMedia is going through a transformation, gearing up for something big. The growing pains have not being easy. eKayaMedia is about to change its name, I can’t say what it is yet as that is still under wraps but it has to do with Creation, Africa, Baobabs, and Zebras. Now that is a big clue.

On our boardroom table proudly sits a wireframe of a baobab tree or as African legend calls the upside down tree. The legend goes something like this, a long time ago, when the Creator made all the plants and animals, a tree sprouted up alongside a lake. As this tree grew tall and strong, it saw all around it all the beautiful creatures that came down to the lake to drink but then the tree saw its own reflection in the water and was shocked. Its own flowers lacked colour, its bark was thick and wrinkly. The tree started to complain to everyone about the bad deal he got. Eventually the Creator got tired of hearing the whining, so in exasperation or maybe to preserve his sanity, he ripped the tree out of the ground, turned it over and replanted it upside down. Now the tree could not see its own reflection and complain. So since that fateful day, the upside down baobab tree had to live in silence, providing shelter for all the animals from the harsh sun.

Now has this legend something to do with the new eKayaMedia or is it that kings and elders use this tree to hold their meetings knowing that the now wiser tree would guide them in their decision making.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Joseph and Elaine

At BBC, Elaine saw us and proudly rushed over carrying her little bundle of joy Joseph. Wow the last time we saw Elaine, she announced to us that she just found out that she is pregnant. Look at her now, all gleaming with a 3 month young Joseph in her arms.

Well Joseph is the first Joseph featured in my blog. May he be blessed to be a blessing to you Elaine, and all those around him.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Peaches and Pears

Weekend is a time for relaxing with the family. After a week of 3 websites going live and a week ahead of me of reports and strategies, this weekend is defiantly in order.

Marco and Robynne invited us for a late lunch come dinner at Papachinos Clearwater, anything to spend time with granddaughter Rebekah. Soon Rebekah will be 1, and already she is fast becoming an independent little girl. Here she is enjoying her Peach and Pear cocktail while we savour our sundowners.

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