Saturday 25 January 2014

David and Emperors

This evening, we went and saw a Dutch superstar, Herman van Veen, well only for the Dutch that is. Anyway, it was a lovely break from our Northern suburbs of Johannesburg, going east to Emperor's Palace to be entertained by song, mimes, sketches, and what every else you may call Herman's gigs on stage. At some stages, I was concerned that Herman would suffer a heart attack but Edith Leerkens, Willem Wits, and Dave Wismeijer, kept the pace on an even trim.

The evening started bringing back good thoughts of the time I spent in Netherlands, and of my family living in the Bible belt. Matthew still has fond memories of the two of us cycling around. Back to earth, strolling around the edges of the casinos, smoking rooms, we came upon the food court of Emperors, we there is this large replica of the David statue in the middle of a fountain. Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

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