Saturday 6 October 2012

The Settlers of Catan

It is Rage 2012 weekend which meant that one of the days Matthew has to spend at Rage. Now for those who don't know, Rage is the biggest Computers, Gaming and Technology Expo in South Africa. Well it is rather small compared to Gen Con and other gaming conventions in the States but by our standards the busiest thing since cheese was discovered on the moon.

Anyway Matthew and I went again this year and as usual it was packed like sardines in domed venue but Matthew soon found his passion, board games and that is where he spent the entire day, playing board games. One of his favourites which he won twice against experts was The Settlers of Catan. Here he is looking like a serious poker player contemplating the strawberry and cherry smoothie that I just brought him as refreshment. I had to as he didn't want to move from that spot, not even for a drink break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Serious card players cannot allow themselves to be distracted for a second....even by a much-needed smoothie! He does indeed have the stance of a seasoned poker player...

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