Thursday 16 July 2009

Day Two

It is only Day Two and I already just want to give up. Last night there felt such an oppressive spirit over the house. This morning I left so grotty and did not even feel like doing some work at Metrorail. What is to become of me? I just want to wrap myself with bubble wrap. But I think that is what I have done. I have been distracted with the fascinating job of popping bubbles that I have not seen the storm coming. I have an entrenched belief that this is not supposed to happen to a Christian, but yet bad things happen to good people. Don’t get me wrong I am not perfect. Bubble wrap did not do a good job of protecting me. “I hand it all over to you, Lord; I cannot do this by myself.”

1 comment:

Mariposa said...

oh no not the bubble wrap. i forgot to add bubblewrap in one of a package i sent out for work. pray hard it arrived safely!

I hope you are staying strong with whatever you are facing right now. God is with you all the way. Just said a prayer for you.

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