Monday 1 October 2018

Monday Madness

Eish what madness has this Monday been. My day started off by sitting for 2 and a half hours in grid locked traffic to work in what normally takes 1 hour, madness. I had to use the pickup because my Vespa is in need of some loving care and sitting in a cage for hours in traffic is not my cup of tea.

After work I dropped my Vespa off for a service then it was me time but that is what I thought, little did I know that the Monday's manic madness would not stop here. I had just climbed out of the shower and was getting ready for bed when the call went out for volunteers. 

On Sunday there was a concert which was held at the Botanical Gardens, the Jozi Tese Festival, which did not comply to the contractual agreement and made so much noise late into the night that I even heard it loud and clear at my house 2km away. I believe the police were called in as backup to try stop the event. The Bot Gardens' security even cut the power but that did not stop the concert as they had backup generators. The wildlife in the gardens just fled and one duiker found itself in the Roodekrans neighbourhood streets. For the whole of Monday the duiker was petrified, it fled from house to house avoiding the dogs and people. By the evening a call went out from the Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch to launch a rescue attempt to get the duiker back to the Botanical Gardens. 

About 30 Roodekrans neighbours answered to call for help. We managed to corner the duiker in a cul-de-sac. Luckily it next to the green belt so we cut open the fence to make a way for it to escape to safety. But we had lost the frightened buck because it had forced it's way to the rear of someone's home. When looking for where it was hiding, it got spooked and caught itself in the same gate it used to get in. The whole neighbourhood must have been woken up by traumatic squeals as the poor creature cried out for help. We safely managed to get it loose from its entanglements without anyone or the buck getting injured and released it back into the veld. 

Hopefully this will be the end of this Manic Monday.

Okay but still I have some unanswered questions:
  1. I know that the Botanical Gardens need to raise funds but why are such loud concerts allowed to be held in a nature area?
  2. Will the organisers of the Josi Tese Festival be held responsible?
  3. Why was the rescue attempt only held late on Monday evening? The buck was 1st reported in the Kruin Community Voluntary Association WhatsApp group when it was first seen early Monday morning. Why did the KCVA do something about it then? 

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