Thursday, 31 March 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
The New Bicycle
It is the holidays and Matthew is enjoying them to the full with his new computer game and bicycle. Oh what can a boy choose from. With Matthew's BFF, Justin, staying over tonight I expect a raucous night.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: bicycle
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Relax Black Cat
Ah the life of a cat can be envious. This is one of the cats at PRO Designs where I spent the morning doing website work. There is a saying that states: Woman and cats will do as they please. Men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: cats, PRO Design
Monday, 28 March 2011
Friends Forever
I finally understand it, it is not using your friends to forget, it is remembering how lucky you have them. And how I have been trying to forget my past, not realizing that it is my past that has shaped me to what I have become. Today I had lunch with a good friend who just came out of hospital, catching up on developments in each of our lives. I have been trying to make sense of what was said and not said this weekend. My friend said I think too much and that I must be happy as I have many friends who care. I didn't get time to take any photos during the course of the day so I quickly took a photo of Jade, my youngest Italian Greyhound, she just adores me. Well she can't help it as I am pack leader.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, Italian Greyhound, Jade
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Northcliff Lions 45
The Northcliff Lions Club celebrated their 45th birthday this month and I was invited to a celebratory lunch by Nicky (on the left). It was really a lovely bunch of people not to mention a great lunch. Hilary (2nd from the left) did a good job of explaining to me all the charitable work that they are involved in. I must say good food and good company.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 26 March 2011
La Dolce Vita
Ahhh, the sweet life. After yesterday's crash and burn, today was really sweet. A group of over 20 Vespas met in Wynburg to do a ride through the suburbs of Johannesburg. We went through Sandton, Craighall Park, Parkhurst, Greenside, Parkview, Saxonwold, Killarney, Houghton Estate, Fairwood, Cyrildene and all the way to Bedfordview just to get some breakfast. It was good fun riding in a large group of Vespas. Later three of the Vespas (Magda on Mama Afrika, myself on Sophia and Paulo with his lovely sister Tina on Esmeralda) went to Randburg Motorcycles for their open day which then caused me to be late for Ricky's surprise birthday party. Well only a hour and a half late. Wasn't it Craig who told me it is better to get there late well not that late.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Downer Day
Although the weekend is upon us, I am feeling down due to two let downs today. Had a meeting with Kevin (shown above) to discuss future work. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Kevin
Thursday, 24 March 2011
I won't see Ricky tomorrow and it is his birthday so I had to take a photo today. Here he is, tattoos and all, doing some animation for the AirQuarius Aviation website that I am working on through PRO Designs. This evening I went to the Joburg Photowalkers Exhibition Selection. Over 160 photos where submitted and we have space for 40 to 50. After the witting down 4 of my 7 submitted photos got selected.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Ricky
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Fly Fokker
Today has been an experimenting day with model aircraft. We placed the model on an turntable and took a series of images with the model rotating 15 degrees at a time. These images will then be deep edged and placed it sequence so it can rotate on a website. Interesting but a lot of work.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: aircraft
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
I'm a dreamer.
Although you think I cope, my head is filled with hope of some place other than here.
Although you think I smile, inside all the while I'm wondering about my destiny.
I'm thinking about, all the things, I'd like to do in my life.
I'm a dreamer, a distant dreamer, dreaming for hope, from today.
Even when you see me frown, my heart won't let me down, because I know there are better things to come.
And when life gets tough, I feel I've had enough, I hold on to a distant star,
I'm thinking about, all the things, I'd like to do in my life.
I'm a dreamer, a distant dreamer, dreaming for hope from today.
(Words by Duffy)
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Monday, 21 March 2011
Not a walk in the park
Today is recovery day. Catch up sleep. Clean up after all the weekend partying. The long weekend is just about over. But today has been different. Nicky and I took the dogs for afternoon walk in the park. The words of the Mumford & Sons song After the Storm are ringing through my head as tears run down my cheeks. And as we walk over the hill what will I find? I am scared of what's behind and what's before. And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
eCliptic or Klepto (mania)
What a lovely day today has been, right in the middle of a long weekend nogal. The weather started off great so off to BBC I went on Sophia and on the way back stopped off at one of my best supermarkets, Pink 'n Pay on Nicol, to buy some strawberries, blueberries and real lemon for my pink drinks later. Keep it real Jerome, keep it real.
In the afternoon Peter and Debs invited their friends over for a braai, I included. It was great just being with friends in the garden braaing. We just managed to finish the meat when the heavens opened up. So in their entertainment area we got stuck into making Pedros with many strange and wonderful ingredients. It went from heavy rain to light hail but just refreshing.
Craig and I had to leave early because we had a dinner party to go to at Nicky and Camilla’s home. I wanted to get there at my early always on time self but the others had to restrain me. I am learning as I am going :-) Wow Nicky and Camilla did an awesome job of preparing and we had a wonderful time. The conversation was great. It went from food to books easily. We even went to discuss the word of the day which today is Ecliptic which I should have known as it is part math but I am sure I heard Kleptic instead which lead me to think of mania. Maybe it was a silent "e". It only goes to show, good food and good company makes for a perfect evening.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Roseberry Trails
On the trail of the perfect Roseberry Cocktail takes a lot of drinks to get through but I have finally got it, I think. I had to drop the lemon and lime soda because as soon as I put crushed ice in it was too watery. I must somehow find a way to get that final taste twist into it. Last night I recruited a praegustator with chocolate and she tasted willingly. Well the chocolate helped.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Friday, 18 March 2011
Spending an evening with friends at a start of a long weekend makes for a good start of the weekend. This Friday was Moira's turn of choosing the venue and she chose Santi's in Sunninghill. I must say it was a good choice as we all had fun. Here is Craig, myself and Moira poising for the camera.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Submitting Photos
This evening the core Joburg Photowalkers got together to discuss our exhibition at the 12 Decades Art Hotel in two weeks time. We selected sizes and submitted images that we would like to exhibited. Final selection will take place next week. Left to right are (seated) Charlotte, Craig and Mark; (standing) Jacqueline, Darren, Candice, Alan and Dirk.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Sophia and Maxy waiting
The rain seems to have settled in with Sophia, my Vespa and Maxy, my Italian Greyhound, anxiously waiting until it is over so they can go riding.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, Italian Greyhound, Maxy, Sophia, Vespa
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
With all the rain over the last two days here in Johannesburg, I am starting to get un-welcomed guests into the cottage. But this latest one which fluttered in was most welcome. It is a rather large butterfly with a estimated wingspan tip to tip of just over 10cm. I don't know what species but if anyone knows please comment.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Butterfly
Monday, 14 March 2011
Purple Rain
Purple rain, purple rain. With all the rain this morning, I heard reports of chaos in the traffic and all I wanted was to dance and laugh in the rain. The rain cleared up in the afternoon and I had a lovely time catching up with Magda and looking at purple orchids together. All I wanted was to see you underneath the purple rain.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 13 March 2011
The Joburg Photowalkers went back into Soweto. This time with the Kliptown Youth Project. Kliptown is the place where the Freedom Charter was written and is all touristy. Nearby is a informal settlement near the Kliptown Station which is rife with unemployment as high as 85%. In the middle of this settlement is the Roman Catholic Youth Centre which houses the Kliptown Youth Project or Programme. I am simply floored by the joyous dancing and singing in midst of such poverty.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Dodge Brothers
The DJ Run 2011 is a vintage motorcycle rally that takes place between Durban and Johannesburg every year in commemoration of the motorbike races that were held pre second world war. While waiting for the riders to reach the finish line, I wandered around the Transport Museum taking stunning photographs. This made it difficult to choose a image for this blog. If you want to see more then visit my Facebook album, Transport from Yesteryear.
Posted by
Jerome West
Friday, 11 March 2011
The Keg
This week's Friday friends after work get together was at the Keg and Countrymen in Boskruin. It was sure busy with sports lovers watching Bangladesh kick England's butt in the Cricket World Cup and afterwards Stormers taking control over the Highlanders in Super Rugby. We were there just to catch up on the week and have a good time as usual. Here is Debbie who had to leave early because hubby had to fly geological surveys at six tomorrow, so needed to get to bed early. Talking about bed time, I think mine is calling.
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Sta Soft Boudoir
I suppose you are wondering why I am taking photos of a lady’s private dressing room. Well I was asked to, and if you ask me in private I can tell you all about sensual sta-soft underwear.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
10 000
My Canon 550D which I bought last year, on the 16 October, has now reached 10,014 photos at the end of today. It has been 144 days since then which means that I have taken an average of 69.54 photos every day. That is a lot of photos. Okay back to today’s photo. Before leaving this morning I washed the dog blanket and cleaned out the dog box. So all the bedding extra was spread out in the sun to get dry. Arriving back this afternoon I found all three Italian Greyhounds in the sun on their new bed which was drying in the sun.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, Italian Greyhound, Jade, Maxy, Patch
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Beware Dragon Feeding
I am busy getting my print portfolio together for potential work and at the same time doing work, not easy. This afternoon was spent at the PRO Designs agency working on the AEE website. They have a Breaded Dragon at PRO Designs and this is him feeding. Yum yum apple.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Dragon
Monday, 7 March 2011
Bettas in Coffee
A quiet day in the office, getting quotes out, arranging meetings, sending my CV out, bathing Sophia and cleaning the fish bowl. I have converted my coffee percolator into a fish bowl for a pair of Betta Splendens or better known as Siamese Fighting Fish. A beautiful blue coloured male and a dull green female. I haven’t gotten them names yet but it will come. They seem very happy and I promised them never to turn the hot plate on.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Fish
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Nicky and Camilla dragged me off to Hobby X first thing this morning. I wish I could say kicking and screaming but I enjoyed it immensely looking at all wonderful shapes and colours. With my mind spinning with all the photography opportunities, I was like a kid in a candy store. While I was having fun, Camilla found this cute teddy bear and fell in love. Here is Bumble looking all scared with all the attention he was getting.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Under the Shadow
Under the shadow of the Hillbrow Tower is a cosmopolitan society which strides to pull themselves out of poverty. Today the Joburg Photowalkers started at the Lutheran Church Community Centre in Hillbrow and from there we walked onto the Hillbrow streets. My friend Karen (shown above) said on her blog "Whoever said Joburg was just a messed up city never saw this. It was beautiful..." and I agree with her. Take a look at her wonderful blog Story of Bing. Afterwards we headed to Johannesburg’s oldest surviving pub, the Radium Beerhall, for lunch. See my Facebook album, Under the shadow of the tower, to see more photos.
Posted by
Jerome West
Night Drive
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" quote by George Orwell springs to mind as I lay myself down to sleep after watching "Night Drive", South Africa's latest darkest thriller yet. What intrigued me the most about Night Drive was that it was shot on a Canon 5D camera on a very tight budget. Well done James, Justin and all the other behind the scenes people. Oh, must not forget the great actors too, South Africa can produce them. On top of that I made many new friends and had fun. If you haven't seen Night Drive yet, you better get going then. Some things are worse than dying. Well that depends how you die and death by chocolate is one of my favourites.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: food
Thursday, 3 March 2011
I joined Rayne and Ricky at the Golden Tiki Rejuvenation party at their new shop in Linden this evening. I will post the rest of the photos I took on Facebook.
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
What I do
I do what I do because I love what I do. Working at Art-Decor Interior Decorators on their website means sitting among lots of art work. Not sure what photo to take, this one caught my eye in the office.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
PRO Doll
Back to work on AirQuarius Aviation's website at least it is keeping my mind off the obvious. Just to the left of my workstation at Pro Designs is this doll hanging on the wall looking over my shoulders, doing quality control.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art, PRO Design
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