Monday, 31 August 2009
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Kingfisher Park
Now if you think that there is only one Italian Greyhound in Johannesburg, think again. A group of about ten iggies meet at the Kingfisher Park in Fourways. This is a lovely open piece of ground near the Fourways Highschool which is fenced off to allow dogs to enjoy themselves. Here are the ten iggies socialising with other dogs. Maxy is about to be let off the lead. You can see that he is already eyeing out the other dogs in the Park.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Maxy, our Italian Greyhound has this lovely pose. He has this princely air about him. He trots like an American Saddler, runs like a Thoroughbred and lies down like the Sphinx. People comment about his skinniness and love to watch him run at full tilt at the park. I have heard people call him a miniature greyhound, whippet, a township dog and even a baby buck. They just not sure about him but he is our Maxy. A little dog who thinks he is a big dog.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, Italian Greyhound, Maxy
Friday, 28 August 2009
Me, Myself and I
With so many photos to choose from today, I decided that I should put one up of me. Today was average for a Friday with the only exciting things been Daleen arriving in her new car, a silver Renault Sandero and two baby showers for the two quite large ladies from the ICT department of Metrorail.
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 27 August 2009
The weather was great this morning but by mid afternoon a terrible storm blew over. The IT guys thought it funny that I was on my bike and offered to get me a taxi. Here are some of them getting training from Patrick. From the left clockwise around the table is Theo, Khathu, Jimmy, Masilo (head down), Thabiso, Thanyani, Karabo, Brian, Lerato, Vuyo, Amukelani, Patrick and Khumbu.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
True Mergence
Thabiso, from Pretoria's ICT department is spending time here in Johannesburg working on our exchange server. We finally are becoming one department in two offices. The Pretoria plebs still have to get used to me with my camera.
Posted by
Jerome West
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Mother of the Bride
Home Cell has become more like a family where we can support one another and come long side each other in times of need. Sometimes there is cause to celebrate. Mike and Denise's (shown above) daughter is getting married this coming Saturday and the Home Cell is joyous for them. We ask for God's blessing upon the union.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Denise, friends, Home Circle
Monday, 24 August 2009
My Desk Part 1
On Friday Bryaneven School phoned and offered a place for Matthew. Now this school is much closer to our home and of a much higher standard than the school he is currently in. This means double the school fees but he would get a better route towards university. So this morning was spent getting all the paper work done so that he can start soon. Back at Metrorail it is catch-up with all the work I'm missing. Here is my desk at Metrorail. I let Dexter keep an eye on things.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 23 August 2009
What else is there to do when you have reached the end of a good innings? Here is Daphne, Carol's mom at the Serenity Nursing Home waiting for God.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Boys and PSP
It is a relaxing weekend with some major decisions to make about the future of Matthew's schooling. So while we deliberate and pray about it Brian and Matthew have some time just being boys.
Friday, 21 August 2009
It is Friday but Sundays coming. Yes it is finally weekend and this time I can relax with not much work to do. A pregnant fairy must have flown through Metrorail's ICT Department because the in last 12 months has seen every woman on our floor except one become pregnant. Here is Annah who is in her 2nd trimester, I think.
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Post Delayed
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Back to Normal
I am getting back into the swing of things and I seemed to be getting on top of my work load. Here is Steven who used to look after Hummingbird at PRASA but now is here at Gauteng but in the SysOps section. I am not sure why he is back this side but I haven't been altogether here myself.
Posted by
Jerome West
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Nip in the air
The weather is turning cold again. Theo, our young Xhosa from Matatiele, is shown here dressed for snow. Someone must gently tell him that this is Johannesburg not the southern Drakensberg or does he know something we don't. Brrrr, it is getting cold.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail, Theophylus
Monday, 17 August 2009
Yes I am nearly halfway through my traumatic experiences these last months. Although I still have a long way still to go the summit is in view. You can see that the state run hospitals are disparately short of cash when their trauma units have to repair their wheelchairs with plastic garden chairs. I just had to take a photograph of the wheelchair as I would not have believed it if I never saw it with my own eyes.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 16 August 2009
And the trumpet heralded
No one ever said that it would be easy. These are testing times. Up on the ridge at the University of Witwatersrand is this temple of the Latter Day Saints with this trumpeter on top of one of the spires looking over the Johannesburg. Is it playing a false note?
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Johannesburg
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Friday, 14 August 2009
Metrorail in Art
By the University of Witwatersrand I came across this mural depicting Metrorail trains and the Nelson Mandela Bridge with the Johannesburg skyline in the background. Enjoy.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art, Metrorail, Nelson Mandela Bridge, train
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Back to School
Long story but while Carol is not well, Matthew has to go into the main stream schooling. Here he is all dressed up for school. I have not much to say other than I am very busy trying to catch up all my work and be a single parent for a while.
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
I am finished
What a day. I started at one end of Bryanston and ended up in Northcliff. All the primary schools Matthew and I went to were full. I even put Matthew's name on a number of waiting lists for next year. When I arrived at Robin Hills Primary, I was expecting another door closed in my face but after checking their computer they said that they have space for only one in Grade 4 but needed to test Matthew first. Half in tears I said go right ahead. To cut a long story short. Carol is in hospital for some time. Matthew is starting school tomorrow and I am blessed to have a large number of friends standing by to help. I thought I had crossed the line of what I could handle but with the friends I have around me I managed to cope. Thank you to all of you for coming alongside our family in this time of crisis. I can't thank you all by name as you are too many in number but here is Guy cooking some chicken schnitzel for supper.
Posted by
Jerome West
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Yes I know I shouldn't be but I am. Just shoot me. What to do? What to do? I will leave you with Konanani from Metrorail while I go and sit in a corner to think.
Posted by
Jerome West
Monday, 10 August 2009
A Day Off
Today is a public holiday because yesterday was Women's Day and because it was a Sunday meant that the following Monday (today) was a holiday too. Even though it was a holiday, our Malawian house keeper Francis (above) decided to work. We insisted that he have the day off but he wanted to work. It was a lovely warm winter's day which I spent outside having quality time with Matthew. In the afternoon I started catching up some of the work that I've got behind on.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Francis
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Surrounded by Friends
It is good to have friends who care and come alongside in difficult times as this last month has been for me. We had seven baptisms this morning and one of them was Jordyn, my friend Leon and Ursula’s daughter which was very special. Anyway here is another group of friends from BBC, Lisa and Gary.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 8 August 2009
The Step Pose
Here is Maxy, our Italian Greyhound, showing how the step pose is done and showing off his long legs. You must see him at the Kingfisher Park when he is at full speed.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, Italian Greyhound, Maxy
Friday, 7 August 2009
Happy Birthday Justin
Matthew’s best friend Justin, here with Matthew, turned 11 today. This evening they joined the BBC youth group at the Northgate Ice Rink for some fun time on the ice.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
No touching sides
Today I was rushed off my feet and at the same time anxious about a number of things. Well it is out of my hands and I must live one day at a time. At Metrorail I could not focus at all and my mind was back home. Here is Refiloe with Michelle from Metrorail’s Human Resources department.
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
How it is done?
Here is Theo showing how it is done while Mpho enjoys the all the attention. For me it was not so casual. I had to get all the paperwork together for Bryandale and rush around.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Mpho. Metrorail, Theophylus
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Not right
It is not about being right even if you feel you are. It is about doing the right thing. That is building bridges. This hits right home with me on all fronts. Back to Metrorail, Dipolelo, my friend who looks like Fiona from Shrek, came to visit (shown above). If you reading this Dipolelo, I am sorry but as a friend you do look like Fiona. She used to work for Metrorail but left to work for a political movement who are far from my liking. Anyway building bridges.
Posted by
Jerome West
Monday, 3 August 2009
Work overload
There is so much work to catch up on plus trying to run a household is taking its toll. Here is the Gautrain Terminus construction site at Braamfontein in the morning light.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Braamfontein, Gautrain, Hillbrow Tower, Johannesburg, Schlesinger
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Peaceful Sunday
Yes there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Let's hope that it isn't a train. Joy popped in for a visit before her flight back down to Cape Town. It was good to see the family out from the shadow of the mountain. Here is Joy and Matthew enjoying a good hug.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Women of Excellence
The women who work for Metrorail had a special day organised for them by Metrorail at the Ubuntu Kraal in Soweto. The weather did not play its part but the turnout was great. The women were welcomed by the Regional Manager and some traditional clad Zulu dancers. While motivational speakers did their thing, ten ladies were selected for a facial and then dressed in designer outfits for a later fashion show.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
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