Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
And Greg limps in
Greg had an encounter with a car on his motorbike on Friday and he forgets to tell me. A few fractured ribs and maybe even a fractured wrist may be a small thing but to only find out on Monday. Sigh, is not on. Thank goodness you are partially alright old man, now to get back onto that horse and no excuses.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 28 June 2009
The Final
I am still not hundred percent but well enough to take Patch and Maxy to the park where we had the record number of Italian Greyhounds in one place. The new record is 14 iggies. We had to leave at 5pm sharp as I had to take Matthew and two of his friends to the Confederations Cup final. It was a spectacular game between USA and Brazil where the underdogs had the many times world champions playing catch-up but in the end in extra time Brazil managed to equalise and finally win. This evening’s photo is of the closing ceremony showing Africa’s people to the world.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Ellis Park, soccer
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Flu 1 Jerome 1
Yes I am trying to recover from my second bout of flu in as many weeks. The first round I managed to get the better of it but round two has me fighting back. I am down but not out yet as I am stuck in bed watching the Springboks narrowly beat the British Lions in rugby. But I did manage to sneak out earlier and go to the mall to hand my cellphone in for repairs. I bit of sun in the middle of winter does a world of good. So here is a photo of my Sophia (the black Vespa with a tan seat) behind a gaggle of lesser wannabes.
Posted by
Jerome West
Friday, 26 June 2009
Down with the Immune System
With only 3 hours sleep my immune system has decided to take a holiday and while I supposed to be recovering from flu it has come back with vengeance. Well I better get to bed so I will leave with Ayanda, one of the ICT’s managers dressed for this cold weather we having.
Posted by
Jerome West
At least we tried
We have just come back from the Brazil – South Africa soccer game and it is already after midnight. From the left is Justin, Louise, Lucky and Matthew. Wow South Africa played well with Brazil only managing to score from a penalty right at the end of the game. What South Africa needs is a striker or two. They were good in mid-field and defence but just could not put the ball where it counts. I’ve just heard the news on the radio of unconfirmed reports that Michael Jackson has died from a heart attack. I suppose if it is true it will be in the papers in the morning. Well let me get to bed as I have only four hours until I have to get up for work.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Shuttle Maps
Today was a busy day working out the shuttle routes for the Business Express with Thulaganyo and Sibusiso (shown above). There are three more shuttle routes added for the Business Express users to use along with the two existing ones, Sandton/Rosebank/Braamfontein and CBD. The routes are all from Park Station and the new ones go to Edgardale, Gold Reef City and Auckland Park. All these new routes need maps for the drop off and pick up points. That’s where I come in. I have just updated the Sandton/Rosebank and Braamfontein map, 3 new and 1 update to go.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail, Sibusiso, Thulaganyo
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
I am not feeling well. I am fighting to keep the flu at bay and at the moment I am just winning. So with not much to say I will leave you with Fannie from the RCC section of our department at Metrorail.
Posted by
Jerome West
Monday, 22 June 2009
Well I actually got a photo of Duduzile from Marketing and Communications smiling. She is always very busy and serious, in other words dedicated to her work. Normally when I pull the camera out, she puts her hands in front of face, to try stopping me taking her photo. The reason she gives is that she is not very photogenic. This photo proves she is wrong. Today she just sat down and smiled. You can see that she is more relaxed.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 21 June 2009
The Long trip back
I thought that the trip back would be sombre since we lost 2-0 to Spain but news filtered down that Iraq and New Zealand drew 0-0 which meant that South Africa was through to the semi-finals. It was not very comfortable for us on the Shosholoza Meyl but we did I best. The train left Bloemfontein only at 3:30am and arrived back at Park Station at 9:30am. The party continued all the way to Johannesburg. I was very tired as I did not get much sleep so when I arrived home I showered and crashed. Today’s photo is of the sun rise somewhere in the Orange Free State from the train.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: sunrise
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Spain vs South Africa
Matthew, Brian, and I went off to Bloemfontein to watch South Africa play against Spain in the Confederations Cup. We caught the Shosholoza Meyl along with all the other jubilant Bafana Bafana supporters. This was to be a 24 hour male bonding session. The train left at 9:30am and literary bounced all the way to Bloemfontein. Alcohol flowed freely, dancing rocked, flags fluttered, singing harmonised and vuvuzelas wailed all the way. When I said bounced, the train was bouncing to the rhythm of stomping feet. Thankfully the train safely made it to Bloemfontein at 4pm and the kids were eager to get going. We stopped at the KFC for supper before walking to the stadium. This time we had gotten the cheaper tickets but in a way it changed the atmosphere. In the last game we went to in Pretoria, the vuvuzelas caused us to be temporary deaf but this time we were amongst real passionate Bafana supporters. The singing in harmony and flag waving to the beat of the drums and blaring vuvuzelas was beautiful. Matthew and Brian got into the spirit and we tried to get our flag waving in time with the fans. We were looked after by the Bafana supporters on the train and at the stadium. Beer was pushed into my hands by the supporters and they were like mother hens to the kids. Matthew even got a nick name on the train, Harry Potter, because they said that he looks just like the star, with his long blond hair, blue eyes and glasses. A number of fans had their picture taken with Matthew. Thank you to all that made this day memorable to me and the kids.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Bloemfontein, soccer
Friday, 19 June 2009
Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?
No it is Super Prineshan. It has been a reasonable day at the office but the Marketing and Communications was not having a great day with preparations of tomorrow’s soccer game down in Bloemfontein. I will get back to you on Sunday if it all ran smoothly. So I will leave you with Prineshan. Super Prineshan to the lay.
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Hey Man
Hey Man, I am in that strange place again. Before I continue, today’s photo is of Delfin from Train Operations. He is a floor walker, a Metrorail or is it a railway term, for someone who walks the floor supervising. This photo was taken at 05:45 this morning at the end of an all-night shift for Delfin. Here was I about start for the day and Delfin was about to head home for bed. Anyway back to my strange place I find myself. Hey Man Now you’re really living by the Eels is strumming round and round in my head while I’m playing Kimya Dawson out loud on my stereo. Go figure? I wish I was a big cactus.
Do you know what it's like to fall on the floor
And cry your guts out 'til you got no more
Hey man now you're really living
Have you ever made love to a beautiful girl
Made you feel like it's not such a bad world
Hey man now you're really living
Now you're really giving everything
And you're really getting all you gave
Now you're really living what
This life is all about
Well I just saw the sun rise over the hill
Never used to give me much of a thrill
But hey man now you're really living
Do you know what it's like to care too much
'bout someone that you're never gonna get to touch
Hey man now you're really living
Have you ever sat down in the fresh cut grass
And thought about the moment and when it will pass
Hey man now you're really living
Now you're really giving everything
And you're really getting all you gave
Now you're really living what
This life is all about
Now what would you say if I told you that
Everyone thinks you're a crazy old cat
Hey man now you're really living
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Today started off very slow with me looking for work to do at Metrorail but by the afternoon I was so busy that I had to tell Marketing to wait in the queue. It was new designs for PRASA for the Premier Classe that had to be done by today. Then marketing also wanted designs by today. On top of all this today stuff I had to put up a temporary combined intranet and point Tswhane’s old one to it. Finally I ended up at Wetpaint Advertising for a briefing session. I was so busy that I forgot to take a photo during the day so I took a snap of Wetpaint’s logo outside their offices.
Posted by
Jerome West
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
The Pose
After last night I must have lost some of my hearing but my voice came back. Anyway today is recovery day which means a sleep in to start off with. Then off to the spa for some back therapy followed by a good hearty lunch. Then I woke up and my coffee was cold. And Carol was out with her girl friends to the movies. At least the sleep in part happened but I was left with the doggies. So here is Maxy, one of our Italian Greyhounds, posing for me and the camera letting me know that he counts higher than a spa.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, garden, Italian Greyhound, Maxy
Monday, 15 June 2009
What a game. Matthew and I have just returned from watching Italy beat the USA 3-1 in the FIFA Confederations Cup match held in Pretoria. It started off slowly with USA leading at half-time after a penalty kick after Altidore took a dive in the box. I must say he makes diving look graceful. Eventually one of the USA players got a red card and was sent off. Anyway the second half changed quickly after a barrage of goals made it 3-1. Well it is good to be home, slightly deaf from all those vuvuzelas and horst but good to be home.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Double 21
Thanks to all my friends and family who wished me happy birthday today. Thank You. Matthew gave me a beautiful pair of leather gloves for Sophia, my Vespa and I got a lovely small camera from Carol to carry around for my everyday photos for my blog. No more lugging a big old camera around. Thanks to my new Canon Power Shot A480 which is small enough to fit into my pocket but is an awesome 10 mega pixels. So the first photo posted from the Canon is one of Lu-Marie and Angie catching up after a BBC service. Angie swears that her hat is a fake leopard.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Today is still cold but the rain has cleared up and the sky typical of a Highveld winter. Justin and Matthew spent most day and evening playing Halo. Here they are in there pajamas still playing Halo. I am sure there is an age restriction somewhere on the box. Now where is that box? Here it is. Oh it is 16+ …. Matt and Justin are only 10 so I better not let Carol see the box.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Today I went with José to test some equipment in the Premier Classe train with the idea of installing similar technology currently on the Tshwane and Gauteng Business Expresses. Here is a Class 34 diesel shunting the Shosholoza Meyl coaches past the interPAX and Premier Classe coaches. In the background you can see the Nelson Mandela Bridge.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Nelson Mandela Bridge, Shosholoza Meyl, train
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Mists of Time
This photo was taken at the Cradle of Mankind where Kimberly-Clark launched two new recycled products. Eskom had failed us once again and we had to rely on diesel generators to power up all the technology that we bought into this timeless place. It was in this area that one of the oldest humanoid fossils was found. It is unusual that it rains here in winter and it gave me time to look back into time itself.
Looking past the young thorn tree
I felt my soul tug through the mists of time.
As I closed my eyes
I heard through the noise of the diesel generator
the swish of the past walking through the long African grass.
I looked up and felt the gentle kiss of rain upon my face
and wondered how much we messed things up.
The thorn tree will grow strong and will forgive
Let us not forget
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
The weather today has been officially declared BMW or Baby Making Weather. In other words it is a stay in bed day with the cold rain drizzling down. I should have called in a Duvet Day but there were many things to do before tomorrow. Here is Patrick from the Democratic Republic of Congo who is by now used to this weather. It rains a lot up north where he is from but it is warm tropical rain not this sleety rain.
Posted by
Jerome West
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Today the weather has turned very cold. I suppose it is our first winter day of the year. Anyway everything looks all set for the Kimberley-Clark launch this Thursday. Darleen is going to stand in for me at the opening of the Doornfontein Station. Norman’s office was stripped of furniture and cleaned in preparation of the new office furniture that is arriving. As shown above there is not much to see. All I can say is that I am feeling down.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail
Monday, 8 June 2009
This morning was rather hectic. First I had to be at plasma TV hire place to check if my Kimberley-Clark presentation worked correctly on the large displays. Then it was off to get Sophia’s license sorted out but they wanted a road worthy test done so I had to get that done. I finally made it to Metrorail mid afternoon only to find out that the opening of the refurbished Doornfontein Station was postponed again this time to Thursday. BUT that is the day of the Kimberly-Clark launch. Two launches on the same day. I have to drop one. While I am in this dilemma I will leave you with a photograph of Pieter from the RCC section of our department.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Cyathea dregei
We went with the Mountain Club of South Africa for a hike and some climb training for the Youth to Hamerkop Kloof in the Magaliesburg Mountains. Because it was not going be a scramble like the last hike, Carol decided to join us; well she won’t be walking much tomorrow as she is already stiff and sore. Here is Carol with Steven who is 6 foot or just shy of 2m being dwarfed next to this very old South African Tree Fern (Cyathea dregei) and this wasn’t the tallest one there in the forest of tree ferns. We had a lovely day up in the mountains and the steep sided kloofs with the bubbling streams. It was like touching the beard of God.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Carol, climbing, Magaliesburg, MCSA, Steven
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Granddad and Grandson
Here is a photo of me holding my grandson Braeden who is exactly a week old today. Carol as you can imagine is smitten of little Braeden and was with Kenneth and Simone comparing a photo of Kenneth when he was only one week old with little Braeden.
Posted by
Jerome West
Friday, 5 June 2009
Marketing al weer
Well I suppose you wondering why I am also busy with the ladies from Marketing and Communications. It is just that they give me so much work and keep me busy, which is a good thing. Today at about 8:30 I got a request from them for 3 designs for the Doornfontein launch by 11am thank you very much. Designs don’t just come out of thin air. It takes time to get the creative juices flowing. I need inspiration. Well I got one out which blew them away. Let’s hope head office approves. Today’s photo is of Gloria and Mpho working on a design that I did for the schedules of the special trains for this Saturday’s soccer game between South Africa and Poland.
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Weekend is looming and I am looking forward to it. Woza Friday. Woza Weekend. Here is Bongi from Marketing and Communications who came down to pick up the Business Express logo for making of name tags.
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
On the Job
Above is Theo giving his technical support to Vuyo from Marketing and Commutations at Metrorail. Work is moving at a fast pace with Metrorail getting ready for the Confederations Cup and Kimberly-Clark about to launch new products. My next week calendar looks like this. Monday: Metrorail; Tuesday: Kimberly-Clark dry-run, Metrorail then Home Cell; Wednesday: Doornfontein Station Opening Event; Thursday: Kimberly-Clark new product launch; Friday: Metrorail final preparations for Confederations Cup and on Saturday the Kick Off. It is no quiet before the storm. I am falling head first down the rabbit hole.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail, Theophylus, Vuyo
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Dark Winter Morning
Here is the next photo of the progress of the Gautrain terminus at Braamfontein taken at 6 o’ clock. During winter at this time in the morning it is still quite dark and very frosty. But thank goodness it warms up nicely later on during the day.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Braamfontein, Gautrain, Hillbrow Tower, Johannesburg, Park Station, Schlesinger
Monday, 1 June 2009
Where’s my coffee?
Wow, what a early start. I had to be at the Pretoria Station at 5am for the introduction of the Gauteng Express. That meant that I had to leave home at 4 just to get there on time. Well I made it and all I wanted once arrived was a cup of coffee. Today’s photo is the TBE1 on the left and the new Gauteng ExpressTBE2 on the right. We were slightly delayed because of the Minister of Transport arriving late but we made up the time an arrived on schedule for the launch. It is exciting times with everything coming to head as we approach the start of the Confederation Cup soccer kick-off in just under two weeks.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Pretoria, Pretoria Station, train
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