Saturday, 30 April 2011

Autumn Baby

The bite of cold is starting to creep into the evenings. So much so that I had to prep up the dog's house so they would be nice and cosy during the coming winter nights. With the leaves turning golden brown and the nip in the air Sophia just wanted to play. So we went out looking at small half ton pick-ups that I find myself in the the market for. Never thought I'd own a pick-up but here I am and winter is on its way.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Friday Fiona

Since my last photograph of Rabia where she was scrunching her face, I promised to take a better photograph. Today being Friday she arrived to work dressed all in black. All I can say is thank goodness it's Friday.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Positive Negitive

This morning started off rather slowly with Sophia refusing to start. I tried unsuccessfully to get hold of Carol who had my car in Benoni. So I started out on foot with battery in hand but never got far as a searing pain shot through my calf. Must have overdid it yesterday at the photowalk. So I hobbled back to the sanctuary of my home. After giving up on Carol, George came to the rescue by sending a driver for me. Time to get another car or pickup as Sophia would prefer.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Buddas and Tin Cups

The Joburg Photowalkers set out to cross the Boerewors Curtain today and visit the strange lands therein. First stop was Irene to meet other photowalkers who joined us from the east. With the cars carefully packed with photowalkers we headed for the buddhist temple of Nan Hua at Bronkhorstspruit. We spent quite some time here as there was lots to see and photograph. But soon lunch was calling so we headed out to Cullian, a small dorpie where the largest diamond was found in 1905. Well it was the largest until another diamond was also found here in 1985 which was 15 carats bigger. After lunch we walked among the quint shops and found an assortment of rusty tin cups and plates in one of the shops. We had fun exploring the shops one by one. Later just before sunset we rushed of to Sammy Marks Museum, an old colonial mansion in the area for more photographs. With sore feet, I am looking forward hitting the sack.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Sniff of Work

This week is sure jammed pack with public holidays. Last Friday and Monday formed the first long weekend. Today was back at work until tomorrow's Freedom Day. But we mustn't lose sight of next weekend which Monday is also a public holiday because Worker's Day falls on a Sunday. Talking about hard workers, here is Priscilla who conjures up morning sandwiches and afternoon tea.

Monday, 25 April 2011


Easter wouldn't be the same without Jackie's renowned Belgium waffles. A group of Jackie's closest friends met at her house for afternoon coffee and waffles. Uhmmm very tasty and sweet.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Google Chef

Easter Sunday felt so different this year as I felt so alone. Luckily friends and I ended up at Richard's house in an attempt to cook a Sunday roast for lunch. Craig aka Google Chef got the how to cook off the internet while the food was prepared. We eventually ended up eating at 4pm but good fun was had in preparing, making new friends and just having a good time. Here is Dean being thrown out of the kitchen.

Saturday, 23 April 2011


What started as "so are you ever going to ask me round for coffee" ended up as a great day with Angela. We talked and talked and had coffee and talked some more. Then a coffee turned into a brunch with more talk. I found out a lot about the physiology of Big Brother as Angela is one of the directors of the show. Interesting thoughts came out of our discussions about how the mind works when faced in a Big Brother scenario.

Friday, 22 April 2011

God Friday

Today was a turning point for me. I laid all my problems down at the cross and walked tall away with tears streaming down my face. This the new start of me. I ended the day at friends cooking snoek, playing Kinect Sports, dancing and karaoke. Here is Tanja and Richard enjoying the evening.

Thursday, 21 April 2011


Those who braved the cold ended up at Yamada for the sushi buffet. Paulo, Tini (shown above), Magda, Martin, Anne, Matthew and myself all got stuck into the sushi. It was the warm company that dispelled the chill of the evening. This is what friends are for.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Rabia aka Fiona

If looks could spit, I'll be surfing. This is Rabia or better known as Fiona to her work colleagues. She has not been well and has only today returned to work. As you can see we are all looking forward to the up coming long weekends. Bring them on.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


I am a bit cheesed off at the moment but can't say anything in case I get falsely accused once again of verbal abuse but it is hard to believe that having 4 vehicle accidents in 3 months doesn't warrant more investigation. There I am trying to get my life back in order after all the things that have gone wrong in it and this latest incident doesn't help. Anyway getting things back on track, here is Louwellen from my SEO contract. I have been told from high authority that behind Louwellen's smile lies a psycho. Oh dear what am I in for? The contract is looking positive and let's hope it has a future. Peace.

Monday, 18 April 2011


This morning my body was hurting in places that I didn't knew existed but after a good hot shower I was ready for the world. But was the world ready for me? Arriving at Kyalami Estates for my SEO work they wouldn't let me in as the security was not notified that I would be coming. It took 45 minutes for the okay to be sent through. I was very upset which had a profound affect on the rest of the day. I tried to extract my revenge on poor Thando (shown above) as he was instrumental in my clearance NOT getting through to the gate security. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Sophia in the mud with me

This morning there was a break in the weather so four Vespas went out for a day of training. In August we are attempting to do Sani Pass and the Roof of Africa on our Vespas in winter nogal. The pass connects South Africa to the mountain kingdom of Lesotho and in 9km km rises 800m. So you can see why we need the training. I left home 07:30 and along with Magda we headed for Hartebeespoortdam where we met up with Marlene and Charlie the other 2 Vespa riders. From here we traveled along the foot of the Magaliesberg along muddy roads and final traversed a rocky pass over the mountain then back again for a late lunch in Magalies. I have been all day in the saddle as I only arrived back home after 17:30.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

As Love Fades

Even the skies sob large drops as my mood deepens. I am sure of myself as I am afraid as I am now not in control. If it wasn't for my friends Jacqueline's company yesterday evening, Craig's supportive phone call, Magda's SMS and today's lunch with Nicky, I don't know where I would find comfort. Friends who help me see the wood for the trees. As love fades, you are left where you began, one man, one heart and one soul. Although love has faded, I have glimpsed love; tasted love. I know that it exists. But love is still around me. Yes the love of my son Matthew, my friends and God are still there but would I ever get lost in love again. So as the rain continues fall this photo sums up what's left of my loves in this world Matthew, my dogs, Sophia and photography.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Jacks' Lamp

Rain has set in and so has the sombre mood surrounding me. Jacks and I went out to try drown my sorrows in CaffĆØ Latte and Horlicks. It was all about being with friends after a sorrowful week. So this is a lamp that sits near Jacqueline's kitchen.

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Matthew and I spent the evening supporting Team Malossi in the Scooter 101 racing. Malossi S.p.A from Italy are without doubt the producer of the best performance parts for scooters of all makes. They cut their teeth on Vespas and Lambrettas, now they are well sought after in the scooter racing arena. Team Malossi is run by Vespa South Africa so therefore supported by us. Although they managed to get three bikes into the semi finals, none of them managed to get into the finals.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


I am busy working on a number of mini sites to rejuvenate and improve their SERP drastically, that is the acronym for Search Engine Ranking Position. Not a easy job from the out stead because these sites are more than likely already been flagged by google. Anyway to help me is Vincent here. He is more than capable and eager to get his hands dirty.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

G'Day Mate

Holy dooley! Imagine how gobsmacked I was to find Trevor, a boy from Soweto manning an Australian call centre in Jozi. Good onya mate.

Monday, 11 April 2011

First Sushi

I had Matthew over for supper last night in our first attempt at making sushi. I bought some pre-cooked sushi rice from Theme on Nicol's sushi chef, sushi nori, a nice chunk of salmon, cucumber, avocado pear, soya sauce and wasabi paste. Uhmmm the rice was sure sticky. I didn't take many photos after the first few because we had rice everywhere. Both Matthew and I took turns on making our own which we shared. I think more fun was had than making the perfect sushi.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Our first Exhibition

Today was the opening of the Joburg Photowalkers first of many exhibitions. The response was incredible. It goes to show that we can and will. Here is Candice's husband George and their son Kelso at the exhibition. The exhibition is at the 12 Decades Art Hotel, 286 Fox Street for those who still want to view our photos as they will be up for a couple of weeks. After discussions today it looks like we will be doing a Meet the Tog in a couple of weeks time with live music and a website where the photos on display can be ordered.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Tongue to the World

A South African photographer now living in the UK wanted to bring some hope to needy children. We took her to the Kliptown Youth Program in Soweto. She brought along blankets and food for the centre. She wants to do a photo exhibit of a different side of children in Africa. Not one that has always been portrait but one of just children been children. A noble quest indeed.

Friday, 8 April 2011

David and the Sax

An old friend of mine, David, which I haven't seen in yonks phone me up with possible work. So we ended up meeting for coffee. It was just great seeing him again. Later on I met up with Bonnie and John for cerebration drinks on their engagement. For my lady readers it was a big stone, as a matter of fact it was John's grandmothers diamond. Bonny had it reset in her own design. There was a sax player at the street cafe. Bonnie and John danced some waltzes and the cha cha to the soulful music on the pavement to our delight.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

3 Friends

While I started the long task of refurbishing my own website, Matthew had two friends over for a day of Halo. Here I am trying to distract Rudolf, Matthew and Justin for a photograph but only Justin fell for it. I better get back to work, you know what they say about a mechanic's car, well my website is dire need of a fresh lick of paint.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Red Riding Storm

A cold front has pasted over Johannesburg last night. Cold rain has set in. Lets hope that it is all cleared up by Sunday. Other than the wet weather I spent the afternoon at PRO Designs making AirQurius Aviation's website live. Overseeing the work was Rayne's new goth doll.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Baby Lebo is our latest addition to our home circle group. At three weeks old, Lebogang is such a cute baby and see the glow from daddy Steven when he holds his daughter.

Monday, 4 April 2011


Things happened today that will change my future. So as I carefully move forward in this life of mine, the most important person I need to protect is Matthew. It is sad how things have progressed to this point and as I repeat SinƩad's words from yesterday I'm gonna hold my head up high.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

The Setting Up

Woke up to SinƩad this morning singing some of my favourite haunting music. As I rushed to get ready these words of so long ago ring so true today that I had to stop and listen again.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference

I am not like I was before
I thought that nothing would change me
I was not listening anymore
Still you continued to affect me

I was not thinking anymore
Although I said I still was
I'd said "I don't want anymore"
Because of bad experience

But now I feel so different
I feel so different
I feel so different

My whole day was sent at the 12 Decades Art Hotel in downtown Johannesburg setting up our first photographic exhibition which is opening next Sunday. You can see in today's photo four of the photowalkers trying to make sense where to put all the photos. They are left to right Darren, Matt, Dirk and Mark. Craig, Arno and Suzanne joined later.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Buds and the bioscope

At first light this morning four Viva la Vespa members met for breakfast at Little Falls. We spoke about Vespas, a painting, wipeouts and a future winter ride. The afternoon was just catch up sleep but in the evening I went with my friends Jacqueline and Mark to Main Street Live. First on the agenda Jacqueline and I climbed 7 flights of stairs to the roof of the 12 Decades Art Hotel to take some night shots of the city. Why climb, well the lifts in the building weren't working and I had a very sore knee because I was trying to eat healthily. Afterwards the three of us went to The Bioscope to listen to Liam Lynch talk about his photos and what makes him tick. Liam is an artistic photographic journalist who likes his images to be able to tell a story. Yes he was a bit pompous and arrogant but a lot of his images did tell a story that moved a person.

Friday, 1 April 2011


After a long slow week, Friday was very busy. Most of the day was spent at PRO Designs adding finishing touches to the Airquarius website. Then it was after work drinks at the Kitchen Bar with some of the Viva la Vespa Social Club. Later on it was dinner with good friends at Lucio's Pizzeria in Northcliff.

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