Monday, 31 May 2010
Breakfast Run to Harties
When I got out of bed this Sunday morning, the weather didn't look good and the forecast said 32% change of rain. But that didn't stop 17 Vespa riders to set out for Hartbeespoort in the North West Province. Although it was cold the weather held out and we showed the super bikes and Harleys a thing or two. You can see Sophia amoung all the other rides.
Posted by
Jerome West
Our Telkom DSL is still playing up which means that I could not post on Saturday and Sunday. But that doesn't mean I didn't take any photos on those days. Saturday I just stayed at home. Here is Maxy, one of our Italian Greyhounds, having a break of "playing catch me if you can" which consists of me staying in one spot and Maxy trying to come close to me at speed. When I try to reach out to catch him he puts his rear end in just out of reach and darts away.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: dogs, Italian Greyhound, Maxy
Friday, 28 May 2010
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Scooter 101 Round 4.5
Tonight was the last round of the season which was held at Westgate. Here is Louw on the Vespa heading for the final.
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Dawn of a New Age
With just less than two weeks until the Gautrain is officially between Johannesburg International and Sandton, Gautrain releases the cost of the fares to the public. The black tie launch event is around the corner and I’m not going, sniff sniff, not even as a date. Anyway I will leave you this photo I took this morning of the Gautain Terminus in Braamfontein.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Braamfontein, Gautrain, Hillbrow Tower, Johannesburg, Schlesinger, sunrise
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Africa Day
Africa Day? What the heck happened to Europe Day? You have to be here to know what mood I'm in. Here is Zonke showing how it supposed to be done. Who are you going believe, me or your own eyes?
Posted by
Jerome West
Monday, 24 May 2010
Monday Morning Blues
When I wake up in the morning light
I put on my jeans and I feel alright
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
It's the weekend and I know that you're free
So put on your jeans and come on out with me
I need to have you near me
I need to feel you close to me
I need to have you near me
I need to feel you close to me
You and me will go motorbike riding
In the sun and the wind and the rain
I got money in my pocket, got a tiger in my tank
And I'm king of the road again
I'll meet you in the usual place
I don't need a thing 'cept your pretty face
And I need to have you near me
I need to feel you close to me
I need to have you near me
I need to feel you close to me
I need to have you near me
I need to feel you close to me
You and me will go motorbike riding
In the sun and the wind and the rain
I got money in my pocket, got a tiger in my tank
And I'm king of the road again
When I wake up in the morning light
I put on my jeans and I feel alright
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
When I wake up in the morning light
I put on my jeans and I feel alright
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
When I wake up in the morning light
I put on my jeans and I feel alright
I pull my blue jeans on
I pull my old blue jeans on
I pull my blue jeans on
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail, Theophylus
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Feeling the moment slipping away
When I was in high school, my dream was to start a flying boat airline. The idea would to be based in Durban and the main routes would have been the Indian Ocean islands, Cape Town and Knysna. But that was a long time ago. To see this restoration of a PBY Catalina at the Rand Airport just brought memories flooding back.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Run down War Veteran Monument
On a rocky outcrop overlooking Johannesburg I found this run down Boer War monument. Least we forget the veterans and the Bittereinder (to fight to the bitter end). I will try transcribe what I can read.
Ter gedactetenis aan Voortrekker-Eeufees 1838-1938. Oudstryders-Monument onthul 3 Des. 1938 deur Kommandant Koos Jooster. Geskenk deur S.Steenekamp, Transvaal Monument Werke.
J.D. Pienaar 1901-1902; J.A. Mc Grath 1899-1902; P. van Wezel St Helena K.G.V. 1899-1902; Fred. Van Tonder JHBurg KGV. St Helena 1899-1902; J.A.B. Smith 1877-1938; A.J. Buys Oudstryder 1899-1902; E. Allan 1899-1902; A.J. Brink; Serst. N.L. Butes Ou.Stryder 1896; B.J. Wolmarmarans Z.A.R. Burger; W.J. v.d. Berg Gen. De la Rey 1899-1902; G.M. Erasmus; J. Jooste 1899-1902 1938; S.R. Simpson 1899-1902; J.F. Mezker Oudstryder; J.F. Scholtz D. seun Z.A.R.P 1899-1902; Veldk J.L. Oliver .99-.02; Burger J.D. Mynhardt K.G.V. Te St Helena 1899-1902 1938; Burger G.J. Ackerman 1899-1902 Tot bitter einde 1938; N. van Staden 1838-1938; L.M. Geers 20-1-1900 to 10-6-1902 Pretoria Dorr Kommando Johannesburg Poliesiekommando 1938; Kom-D-T. Koos Joost Koloniale Rebel; J.A.P. Swanepoel Geb. 1873 1899-1902 TVL.; J.J. van Staden Oudstryder 1899-1902; V-C: F. Meyer 1899-1902 O.V.S.; Luit- J.F. Britz 1899-1902 K-G-V. India; J.C. E.s. 1899-1903; L-T-N. N.J. Jooste Onder Danie Theron; V/K.C.A.J. Jansen D.T.D. Vredefort O.V.S 1899-1902; Burger B.S. v.d. Linde 1899-1902 1938;
1899-1902 J.C. v.d. Watt C.Scheepers Kommando Le wapen neer meer Veede; J.P. Marneweck Kom. Rand 1899-02; Velok. A.L. Coetzee Gekom. 3 Okt. 1899 Bittereinder; C.P. Kruger Kerksdorp 1899-1902; S. JDF. Petzer; Burger H.S. Geyer wepener Kommando Nov. 1899; Gert H. Jooste Heidelberg T-V-L St Helena K-G-V; H.W.; C. Malherbe Wapens geneem Murraysburg afgele Hopetown; J.D.P.; R.J. Herbst; S.C. Scholtz 1898-1938; E.L. Marais (Burger) Jan. 1900. Kimberley. 1901-2 St Helena; L.A.T. van Niekerk Adj. Gen. Beyers 1899-1902; A. Jordaan K.P. 7 Nov. 1882; D.T.J. v-Rensburg J-H-Burg Komando 1899-1902; Burgers J.J Pienaar Vader Bermuda J.J Pienaar Seun St Helena G.J. Pienaar Seun St Helena F.F. Pienaar Seun Portugal M.F. Pienaar Seun Newcastle 1899-1902; J.A.V.; Philip Raath 1899-1902 Germiston. Kom.; CR; S.J. Lessing Oud.Stryder 1899-1902 14 jaar oud; Korpl. D.J. du Toit Fordsburg Kommando Gevang 4.2.1901 as spioen Veroordeel tot die dood 21.2.01 Vunnis geskors verbank na Bellary Indie Oorl. 4.12.1914;
F.A. Venter 1899-1902; F.A. Bleedt; A.S. Scholtz J.F. Scholtz D.H. Scholtz T.W. Webster; H.L. Potgieter Kleksdorp Kommando 1899-1902 K.C.V. St Helena; 1899-1902 Burger J.P. Kruger; Ter na gedactenis ann Gen Ben Viljoen JOHB. Kommando 1899-1902 1938; C.C. J. de Jong P.C.J. de Jong 1889-1902 J.H. de Jong K.E.S. Albrecht korpl. B.J. de Jong J.C.F. de Jong P.C.J. de Jong; Burger H.J. Pretorius Johannesburg Kommando 1899-1902; J.J. Kruger 1899-1902; Paul Jacobus Mare Kopr in diens met Gan-r-l De La rey 1899-1902; Burger P.L. J. van Rensburg Verdefort Kommando;
J.M. Enslin 1899-1902; B.R.C 1899-02; W.K. v.d. Merwe; A.F. Strauss 1899; C. Erasmus 1899-1902; Ou Stryder W.J. van Graan 19899-1902; H.L. Volschenk; Ou Stryder Kom. D.J. van Graan 1880-1881 1899-02 Hebr. 13.7; H.J.S. Ellis Gen. Delarey; R.J. Hunter 1899-1902; Corpl. N. Lessing 1899-1902; Luit. E.S. Malherbe Bittereinder 1899-1902; F.H.G. Kruger 1899-1902 D.A.Ps; P.C. Meyer Jeppe Kom. J.H.B. onder Gen.Ben Viljoen Bittereider; J.J. van Tonder Sr 1899-1902 J.J van Tonder Jr 1900-1902 A.S. van Tonder 1900-1902; D.J. Retief; E.J. v.d. Merwe; H.B.J. van Biljon Eggenoot St Helena K-G-V 1899-1902 I.J. van Biljon Seun Gesn. Sant Revier O.F.S. 1899-1902; S.J. Koen; D.P.; C.M. Smith Oudstryder onder Komt. Van Dam 1899-1902; A.W. Dreyer 1899-1902 Vir Vryheid en Vaderland Pretoria Komando.
What I am hoping is that somebody might recognize a family name and will restore this old war monument.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Johannesburg
Friday, 21 May 2010
Strike Day Five or Four and a half
UTATU is back at work but that is about half the workforce as the other half who are affiliated to SATAWU are still on strike. It is Friday and all is quiet at Metrorail so I decided to pop down to the Johannesburg Art Gallery. At JAG I found Orlando Hernández from the Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, preparing for an exhibition called "Without Masks: Contemporary Afro-Cuban Art". The opening is this Sunday, 23 May 2010 at 5pm at JAG. Be There! There is more to Africa than its masks.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Strike Day Four
It is Day Four of the PRASA strike and things are looking better with the negotiations. Todays photo is of the new Gautrain Parkade in Braamfontein from the entrance to Umjantshi House. We are having problems with the Telkom DSL again at home so my future posts will be erratic until fixed.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Braamfontein, Gautrain, Johannesburg
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
With the strike in day three things are looking up. From what we hear is that the unions and PRASA are making good progress in the negotiations. But that is what we hear as Anthony in today's photos is showing me what he thinks of all this, peanuts.
Posted by
Jerome West
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Strike Day Two
While the strikers assemble outside Umjantshi House, those who aren't allowed to strike, like myself, hold down the fort at Metrorail as best as we can. With no services running it is just a case of keeping the managers laptops and phones working which is putting a strain on the few technicians that are not striking. No Khathu is not on a go-slow but is recovering from all the running around ;-)
Posted by
Jerome West
Monday, 17 May 2010
Do you feel the people
Over 12,000 PRASA (Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa) workers went on strike today and joined 36,000 Transnet workers already on strike. I can't comment much about the strike on a public forum as I am stuck in the middle of it. But do you feel the people.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Africa my Beginning. Africa my Ending. That was what it was like going with our photo group and spending nine hours in Soweto. In Vilakazi Street I found a tourist trap swamped with tourists and over priced goods. But in a scatter camp and found people willing to welcome us into their homes. In Vilakazi, Nelson's home was still behind bars. But in the scatter camp I found life.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Soweto
Saturday, 15 May 2010
We were soldiers once
Today was a stay a home day mainly because I am recovering from flu or something just as nasty. First I tried to install Windows 7 on Carol's computer but hit a snag so off I went to regain my manhood and watched Randall Wallace's movie "We were Soldiers" which I earlier recorded on the PVR. It brought back memories of us young 18, 19 year old boys sent to war because our country ordered us. My son keeps asking what it was like and I think this movie brought it home that war is meaningless. Anyway back to reality since I did nothing much but vegetate today I took a photo of the lights above my couch. Meaningless.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: art
Friday, 14 May 2010
Cap, Glasses and Growth
Thanyani it is not about the camouflage cap nor the funny glasses but the question that all of us at Metrorail want to know is... "What is that growing on your chin?"
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Both Matshidiso and Mashudu came to work with doekies on their heads. For Mashudu it is for religious purposes while for Tshidi, I am not sure. Come to think about, I’ve never seen her without one. Uhmm.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Mashudu, Matshidiso, Metrorail
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
I am not feeling well today because I am still recovering from too much sun on Sunday. During a get up and stretch your legs break I went up to RCC where I found Nkhumbudzeni (Khumbu) working hard and Pieter in an animated meeting.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Metrorail, Nkhumbudzeni, Pieter
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Nomthana’s Smile
It was lovely to have Nomthana grace us with her smile in the ICT Department. It just lightens up the day. Talking about the day, the days have started getting colder with typical clear blue Highveld skies. We all started dressing warmly as can be seen by Nomthana with her warm jacket.
Posted by
Jerome West
Monday, 10 May 2010
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Concert at the Zoo
Johannesburg Zoo along with 702 host every year a Mother's Day Concert at the Zoo which we have been attending quite regularly. Rich Cock and the Johannesburg Festival Orchestra mix up a storm for the mothers and us daddies can relax while the kids run around. Here is Carol with Matthew enjoying the music.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 8 May 2010
I joined a whole lot of creative people at Creative Week's Pxl_Shft today. The following will give away my age because in today's photo with me are two people who I went to school with 25 years ago, Candy and Zoë. They are looking good not like me who is showing my age. The only other person not mentioned is Deidre who is sitting on the far right. She attends the Adobe InDesign Usergroup with me.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Now hear Piet
Pieter from the ICT Department in Pretoria came down to Wits with equipment for Norman. Here he is in an animated discussion with Leon over SharePoint.
Posted by
Jerome West
Thursday, 6 May 2010
My, my, Sabelo, you are looking smart. Is there any particular girl you trying to impress or is it a job interview? With this pending strike threatening I wonder if you playing it safe.
Posted by
Jerome West
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Blue Skies
I had started to forget how blue Johannesburg winter skies are with all this rain we been having. It was a good day to take a progress photo of Gautrain's Braamfontein Terminus. The section between the airport and Sandton is opening on the 8 June which is only 34 days away.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Braamfontein, Gautrain, Hillbrow Tower, Park Station, Schlesinger
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Battle of the Bulge
Home started up again this evening after a lengthy break and it was good to be among family again. A good example is shown in tonight's photo of Gary and I in the epic battle of the protuberances. Mike and Andy should also be in the photo but Mike has an exam tomorrow and could not make it. Andy well just leave it at that.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: friends, Gary, Home Circle, Jerome
Monday, 3 May 2010
Something in the air
Last year it was pregnancies, this year it looks like getting married is the in thing in the ICT Department of Metrorail. Refiloe, shown here got married last weekend without telling us, well today it slipped out of the bag. Congratulations Refiloe, some lucky man made an honest woman out of you.
Posted by
Jerome West
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Oos Rand
We went off to visit Darryl, Shannon and family this afternoon who stay in Boksburg on the East Rand (Oos Rand in Afrikaans). It was a rather pleasant afternoon with family. Here is Shannon relaxing after lunch.
Posted by
Jerome West
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Spring Cleaning
Spring? I thought it was winter but with all this rain it could just as well be spring. The only thing left to say is that spring cleaning is for the birds. While going through the motions, Adelle came round for a visit.
Posted by
Jerome West
Labels: Adelle
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