Wednesday 1 June 2016

President Hyper

It is my turn to cook supper, so on the way home from work, I stopped at the President Hyper in Krugersdorp, which at first thought would not be competitive due to the economy of scale that stores like Pick n Pay have but it came to a shock that President Hyper was very competitive in most sections. For example I bought 200g shoulder bacon at R15.00 compared to the same brand at Pick and Pay and it was over R22.00. So what is up with Pick n Pay and their so called Price Watch nonsense?

Anyway the reason for this post, it is month end and as expected the supermarkets are full of shoppers but the biggest differentiator at President Hyper with other big super market chains was that nearly every till was manned. President Hyper had 32 tills in the front, all manned by friendly staff and at the side, half of the 12 tills were manned. That is 38 manned tills, I think PnP can take home a lesson all the way from the West Rand. The bonus for me was that although the store was extremely busy and I was tired after a long day at work, I didn’t waste any time finding what I wanted, and getting processed through the payment system efficiently.

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