Tuesday 9 September 2014

Focus Jerome Focus

I have so many balls up in the air at work that it is starting to get harder to focus on any one ball for too long.

Tomorrow is World Suicide Prevention Day as my sister, Raquel laid her 17 year old son Blade down to sleep for the last time this very morning. It hit me hard that this could have been prevented. Too many family secrets hiding in dark corners of our lives which the evil one wants to use to hurt us and those around us.

With time and hindsight we can understand some of the emotions and physical pain that a person goes through before reaching that dark place and we the survivors need to share with others to prevent further tragedies.

Although we never met, I knew of you from your mother, Raquel, my sister.
I thought of you with Love today but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and the 17 years before that too.
I think of you in silence today as your mother lays you down to sleep.
Now all I have is a memory of you as a keepsake.
A memory which I will I'll never forget nor part.
God has you now in His keeping and I have you in my heart.

I didn’t know what photograph to take on this heavy day but the stark while flowers outside my office was glaringly obviously telling me to pick them. So many flowers, so much to focus on.

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